Thursday, November 17, 2011

“You’re keeping me alive cause you don’t know dos?”

This isn’t a review of any sort. I just realized Brittany Murphy plays the “ghoul” in The Prophecy 2 and I’m incredibly pleased. She’s one of the very few celebrity deaths that actually upset me. I mean c’mon, she was in Clueless, Girl Interrupted, Spun, Drop dead gorgeous,Freeway, and did that awesome song with Oakenfold. I personally love her and wish the bitch was still among the living.

What's wrong with American Horror Story? Not a damn thing

I honestly don’t think i have a single bad thing to say about this show. Well, Connie Britton can sometimes be a little over dramatic and her lines can sometimes be read a little slow or just off by a few seconds. O.K so one bad thing, but it’s not even that bad. The story lines are interesting, the characters are unique (several being incredibly easy on the eyes) and the atmosphere is constantly anxiety ridden. Which sometimes i can’t handle with most shows however, with this one it works.
   I also greatly enjoy the random guest stars they have including Zachary Quinto (from Heros, Star Trek and I’m gonna eat your ass salad) and Eric Stonstreet (from Modern Family and I’m not going anywhere near any sort of salad you may have but i enjoy you as an actor)
   The show centers around a family that just recently moved into “murder house” which obviously they had no idea it was called that till later in the season. Even though personally i would totally move into a place called “murder house”. I’d also be a little smarter if i felt that i was being taken over by god knows what. I mean ghosts are fine but if i started waking up in random places or walking around naked and burning myself, I’d probably move out. Or get a hold of those money hungry Amityville “demonologists” people. They may be dead……Whatever. I dont want to give anything away so I’ll just say there’s a gimp, a lovable yet slightly mean retard, naked Dylan Mcdermott, fucked up eye maid lady, monsters in the basement and ginger twins. It’s a fun show and I think if you like horror movies then you’ll like this show.
   On a side note. Why the fuck does Azura Skye always end up playing a ghost of some sort or just dead? Remember her? She was on that short lived “zoe” show and a few episodes of buffy. You probably dont……

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Ward a.k.a i wish i was watching girl interrupted instead

I only bothered watching this movie because my asshole roommate said it was good. I quickly found out otherwise. The main actress had way to many tracks in her hair to even remotely make me believe they were in the 50's or 60's or whatever the hell it was supposed to be. Also, the way every character talked was just not working for the time period.

   This movie starts out with this trick burning down a house and being taken away from said burning house by police only to be taken away to "THE WARD". From the very beginning she's already experiencing ghostly situations. That aren't scary at all i might add. Then there's lot's of this bitch being stupid and making everyone angry trying to escape blah blah you know the drill. Nothing spectacular happening at all, especially the acting. Lots of pouting lips and showing tons of teeth as bitches like to do a lot in movies/tv now days. Close your fucking mouths for christ sake. No one likes a mouth breather.

   So they finally show the creature/person who's causing all the damage and she's all super f'ed up looking, sorta like Sadako from the ring but more green and less scary. You later found out how she died and that's when things make 0 sense. Like seriously the way she died would not have caused her to look like this. Now i don't mind shitty horror as long as its funny. I mean if it's gonna go that route anyway it might as well be entertaining. However, this movie wasn't funny, scary, entertaining, or anything like that. It wasn't even a bad movie. It wasn't anything, and that my friends is exactly what the problem was.....................